Proverbs 31 Project

Proverbs 31 Project

Recap from day one, we started our 10 a day compliment journal. Think about it, in just three days we will have a months worth of compliments all for self. Basically the saying will come in handy, ‘you must love yourself before you can truly love others.’

Day 2: Double the list of compliments (another ten)

The scripture for today is: “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” Song of Solomon 4:7

Solomon had plenty of compliments for his bride. While reading the text 1-15, it feels like an intimate moment between a man and woman. Every detail of her anatomy or appearance gave me a clear description of whom he spoke of.

Of course we all know beauty is only skin deep, there is so much more to what true beauty really is. However when I read the scripture above, I feel like I am reading between the lines a bit. He said there is no flaw ‘in’ you. To me he was speaking of inside as well as the description he gave for the outside. As we have all heard before, ‘if you’re ugly on the inside, you’re ugly on the outside.’

On to the second part of the Proverbs 31 Project challenge…

Scripture recap –

“Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of his life.” -Proverbs 31:10-12

Yesterday we focused on the first portion of this scripture now let’s focus on the second part. The author of this book made it clear she wasn’t in a relationship to complete this challenge but there is nothing wrong with creating a gift of sorts for a future relationship.

Adding on to our, ‘love me’ compliment list, we are to create a ‘Husband Box.’ Since this is a box that you bring to the table to ‘enrich his life’ choose a nice box. In no way am I saying pay a grip for a frilly box, tap into your shoe closet and snag a nice one.

  1. Write him a love letter. If you are not married, write a letter to your future husband. Allow yourself to feel in love and let the words flow. Explain in detail how much you love him despite any flaws and that you are blessed to have him in your life.
  2. Write a prayer to God thanking him for blessing you with him.
  3. Fun date ideas (movies, bowling, arcade, go kart racing, etc.)
  4. Write a list of baby names or pictures of children
  5. Pictures of happy times
  6. Pictures of beautiful Homes & Gardens
  7. Vacation spots
  8. Recipes for couple cooking
  9. List scriptures that show how much you love him
  10. List of love songs

(This is only an example, you can add whatever you want to your box.)

Although this may seem time consuming, it will be worth it in the end. Besides we don’t have to complete this in one day, we have all month to get it done. Ask yourself “what are the most important qualities to a successful relationship and how can you offer them to your spouse?” Since this is about building your character, this is a reminder of what you deserve and what you can offer.

These are assignments that you don’t have to show anyone because this is for uplifting self. With that being said, be completely open and honest with what you fill your box with. Whatever you desire from your spouse and want to give to him, slide it inside. Be creative!

Hope you all are following so far. Drop me a line and let me know how you are feeling about this challenge. Are you getting anything out of it so far? Do you see a silver lining or potential growth? It’s early but it’s never too early for the initial opinion.

Be blessed!


One thought on “Proverbs 31 Project

  1. I think we are off to a great start! I love the reading on the Virtuous woman, it gave me a new out look. The 10 Compliments a day is very challenging, because I don’t think I ever really compliment myself, or just think of things about me. I’m always focusing on family, working, friends….I’ve started thinking of items for my Husband box, but unfortunately I have not started but, I intend on doing it.


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